Executives in Davos Express Worries Over More Disruptive Cyberattacks – NYTimes.com, 23 January 2015

Jonathan Zittrain, a Harvard University professor of law and computer science who will also be on the panel, said he hoped industry professionals could begin to make gradual fixes to the Internet that would make all companies more secure.Small improvements, like software that detected unusual patterns in Internet traffic or suspicious attempts to access data, could help stop hackers before they caused too much damage. Such small, incremental steps could make the web gradually safer for individuals and companies, and less friendly to hackers, Mr. Zittrain said.“This is a moon shot going one step at a time, rather than fling a missile and hoping it hits,” Mr. Zittrain said.

via Executives in Davos Express Worries Over More Disruptive Cyberattacks – NYTimes.com.