
The Counterterrorism and Humanitarian Engagement Project has identified a set of readings, below, which provide an introduction to salient aspects of the complex issues arising at the intersection of counterterrorism norms and humanitarian principles:

Sam Adelsberg, Freya Pitts, & Sirine Shebaya, Chilling Effect of the Material Support Law on Humanitarian Aid: Causes, Consequences, and Proposed Reforms, 4 Harvard National Security Journal, pp. 282-319 (2012-2013). [link]

Rob Bailey, Famine Early Warning and Early Action: The Cost of Delay, Chatham House, July 2012. [link]

Charity & Security Network, Safeguarding Humanitarianism in Armed Conflict: A Call for Reconciling International Legal Obligations and Counterterrorism Measures in the United States (2012). [link]

David Cole, Chewing Gum for Terrorists, N.Y. Times (Jan. 2, 2011). [link]

Sophie Delaunay, Andres Romero, and Mary Vonckx, “Condemned to resist,” Article, Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) (February 2014). [link]

Charles Doyle, Terrorist Material Support: An Overview of 18 U.S.C. 2339A and 2339B, Congressional Research Service (2010)[link]

Justin A. Fraterman, “Criminalizing Humanitarian Relief: Are U.S. Material Support for Terrorism Laws Compatible with International Humanitarian Law?,” New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 46, pp. 399–470 (Spring 2014). [link]

Ben Hayes, Counter-Terrorism, ‘Policy Laundering’ and the FATF: Legalising Surveillance, Regulating Civil Society, Transnational Institute/Statewatch (March 2012). [link]

Elizabeth Holland, Emerging Voices: Counterterrorism and Humanitarianism – Assessing the Current (Im)Balance, Opinio Juris (Aug, 16, 2013). [link]

Elizabeth Holland, Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project and the Potential to Cripple Humanitarian Assistance in Armed Conflict (2011)[link]

Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR), Humanitarian Action Under Scrutiny: Criminalizing Humanitarian Engagement, HPCR Working Paper (2011). [link]

International Committee of the Red Cross, International Humanitarian Law and the Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflicts, Report, Geneva (November 2011)[link]

Kate Mackintosh, Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project: Implications for Humanitarian Action: A View from Medecins Sans Frontieres, 34 Suffolk Transnational Law Review, pp. 507-518 (2011).

Kate Mackintosh & Patrick Duplat, Study of the Impact of Donor Counter-Terrorism Measures on Principled Humanitarian Action, UN OCHA and the Norwegian Refugee Council (2013). [link]

Sarah Margon, Unintended Roadblocks, Center for American Progress (2011). [link]

Peter Margulies, Accountable Altruism: The Impact of the Federal Material Support Statute on Humanitarian Aid, 34 Suffolk Transnational Law Review, p. 539-568 (2011). [link]

Naz K. Modirzadeh, Dustin A. Lewis, & Claude Bruderlein, Humanitarian Engagement under Counter-terrorism: A Conflict of Norms and the Emerging Policy Landscape, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 93, No. 883 (Sept. 2011)[link]

Sara Pantuliano, Kate Mackintosh, & Samir Elhawary, Counter-terrorism and Humanitarian Action, Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), Policy Brief 43 (October 2011)[link]

Cedric Ryngaert, Humanitarian Assistance and the Conundrum of Consent: A Legal Perspective, Amsterdam Law Forum, Spring, p. 5 (2013). [link]

Fabrice Weissman, Criminalising the enemy and its impact on humanitarian action, MSF Crash, Policy Paper (November 2010)[link]