Speaking panties to power

Lanna Action for Burma, a new Thai blog, is running a Panty Power Campaign against the government next door, in Burma. I’m not making this up. Here’s what it says:

SPDC is the State Police and Development Council, which rules Burma, brutally.

The pointer comes from a friend in Thailand who says this thing is serious — or about as serious as things like this can be. Except there is nothing else like this. But I’m not there and have no idea.

Meanwhile, Violet Cho of The Irrawaddy writes this in “Panties for Peace” Campaign Wins Wide Support:

The “Panties for Peace” campaign aimed at Burma’s military regime is gaining momentum, with the establishment of a committee to drum up support in Thailand.

The campaign began on October 16, with women throughout the world sending packages to Burmese embassies containing panties. Burma’s superstitious generals, particularly junta chief Than Shwe, believe that contact with any item of women’s wear deprives them of their power.

“Panties for Peace” campaigns have sprung up in Australia, Europe, Singapore—and now Thailand, where a Lanna Action for Burma committee has been formed in Chiang Mai to support the feminine protest.

Ying Tzarm, a co-founder of Lanna Action for Burma, told The Irrawaddy that the campaign was aimed at undermining the superstitious beliefs of the military regime.

Liz Hilton, a supporter of the Lanna Action for Burma and a member of the Empower foundation, said that by sending underwear to the men of Burma’s overseas embassies women would be delivering a strong message to the regime.

Beats going to war, seems to me.

4 responses to “Speaking panties to power”

  1. Italian artist and blogger Gianni Falcone posted a comment on my Panties for Peace post, telling all to look at his cartoon on this subject, and giving a link.. I emailed him, asking if I could publish it with the post he commented on, and link to him. He agreed, saying he was happy I liked his cartoon, and that his English was limited.

    I thanked him, and said Grazie — all my Italian.

    I like it when it works like this.

  2. […] (via Doc) is incredibly cool: The “Panties for Peace” campaign aimed at Burma’s military regime is […]

  3. burmese gov.investigate panty blog in BKK.they store every pack in case ppl.need passport,questions or anything.reaction needed.

  4. […] speaking panties to power – lanna action for burma, a new thai blog, is running a panty power campaign against the government next door, in burma. i’m not making this up. here’s what it says: spdc is the state police and development council, which rules burma, … […]

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