Buried Alps Out the Wazoo

Eastern Greenland blows my mind every time I fly over it. This last trip was no exception. Imagine Alps, Rockies, Himilayas, buried up to their nostrils in snow and ice across an expanse of Saharan dimensions, all of it moving, less an ice cap than a great spreading mound of blue and white, all of it heavy as magma, hard as stone, abrading away at the mountains, leaving horns and scarps protruding above the whiteness. At its edges icebergs calve off constantly and in great profusion, suggesting a bovine maternal quality to the great mound itself.

Anyway, it’s past the equinox and gaining on the winter solstice, so the sun was quite low when we flew over Greenland en route to Denver from London last week. Still, the subject was still there. Amazing sight.

3 responses to “Buried Alps Out the Wazoo”

  1. Consider that you (or your kids) might be able to see all of that ice and snow melt in your lifetime.

  2. Wow Doc, great pics. I had no idea Greenland had type sort of frozen terrain.

    Thanks for sharing.

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