April 26, 2008


    At ROFLCON, this time for more than a few minutes. Observations… I can’t post a question using the question tool. I’m at a panel on fame, and I don’t know any of the panelists. (They are, in fact, moot of 4chan, Randall Munroe, and Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics. They are arranged according to size:… Continue reading

  • Hai! I haz ROFLCONz kitteh peeplz picz

    Shots from the I Can Haz Case Study? session at ROFLCON. The show continues today. I’ll be there. Meanwhile, if you’re looking to ROFL, check out (some of) the many videos linked to by Ethan Zuckerman here. My fave, not mentioned. Runner up, mentioned. Continue reading

  • Think softly and punish a big schtick

    Seventeen-year-old Brandon Rosario has successfully auditioned for a job as the new Howard Stern. Opposing him, naturally, is his school’s administration. Yule Heibel has the rest. Bonus link. Continue reading