Blogging 4 Bux, cont’d

Dave points to Mark Evans’ post on the Blogging for Bux biz — which produces about as much income as a paper route. But I dunno, because I’ve never had advertising on my blog and never would.

Dave says “professional blogging” is oxymoronic. “It’s like calling someone a professional amateur.” Mark thinks it’s the beginning of the end of the field anyway.

I’m not so sure, but in any case I’ve never been fond of it. Early on I didn’t begrudge good bloggers picking up a few extra bucks by carrying advertising, since good bloggers wouldn’t be corrupted by the practice. That is, they weren’t being “pro bloggers”, just bloggers whose blogs had some ads. But in the last year I’ve seen a lot more real corruption. Here’s Mark:

  I’m starting to think that running a mass-consumption blog doesn’t lend itself to deep, insight writing unless you’re a Robert Cringely. Blogs that attract a lot of traffic are pumping out a lot of posts so they can appeal to a broad audience. And these posts – regardless of the subject – tend to be content snacks as opposed to be meals.

I wrote about the subject a couple times recently, in Blogging & Flogging and NY Times covers blogorrhea sufferers. Key point from the former:

  …blogging only to make money is actually flogging. So is jumping onto a topic only to goose it up on TechMeme. So is not being original.

My dream here is that blogging survive the flogging craze. But I’m not holding my breath.

2 responses to “Blogging 4 Bux, cont’d”

  1. Well, I’m currently working on a widget to enable a blogger’s readers to pledge a penny per article, so I’m pretty confident about the possibilities of a decent revenue model for bloggers, i.e. making money without cannibalising one’s integrity and audience’s goodwill.

    However, I am sympathetic with the idea that bloggers being rewarded for promoting something else (by its merchant) may not have so much of a future.

  2. Doc, I’ve found that the blogs on my RSS list with the most advertising are read the least. And I’ve banished a few from that list that got too commercial.

    The ads get in the way visually, and also hover over the posts themselves. “Is that guy talking about this particular email marketing package because he’s being paid to?” So a post has to be really powerful to cut through that background noise. Few are.

    A blog is a self-promotional vehicle at some level regardless. Without ads, it is certainly clear who is being promoted: the author.

    (Disclosure: I host a strip of Google ads on my blog, as an experiment. I hope to make enough this month to pay for a dirty Chai at my local coffee shop, with a tip.)

    Regards, John

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