Almost Daily Outline


The rise of the reader: journalism in the age of the open web is a long and excellent lecture by , deputy editor of the Guardian and editor-in-chief of Guardian Australia. Sample:

So being open has many advantages for journalists. But to do it, you need to be part of the web’s ecosystem, not just plonked on top of it; to submit to the web’s architecture, psychology, mores, rather than imposing a newspapers’s structure over it.

When you put the reader at the heart of what you’re doing, then you learn from them how the web works at that moment. In this transitional era we’re all creating this new ecosystem together – and the users are often one step ahead of us, working it out as they go along.

Possibly related: Why tablet magazines are a failure, by @JonLund in Gigaom. I subscribe to Wired, The New Yorker, Time, Fast Company, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Economist, Vanity Fair and Linux Journal on my iPad. They are mostly backups to print editions, which are much easier to read in their native form. Mostly I read them on the pad in the subway.


Challenge: get the Abandoned Cart Emails paper from Marketo or The Economics of Online Advertising from Comscore without becoming a qualified lead — because both require you to fill out a form to get the paper.  Answer: generate a one-time email using Privowny or Mask Me. Makes it easy to see if they start spamming you, or selling or giving away your email address — and to kill that address if you like.

Behind the Best Innovations: Obvious, Annoying Problems, in The Wall Street Journal. Instead of pain points, Nest and others deal with annoyance points.

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