She Looks OK to Me

OK Pop Quiz
– What is the first name of the Russian Ballerina who reportedly lost
her job for being too tall and heavy for the male dancers to lift?
Well, if you don’t know it now, wanna bet you know it and are sick to
of it in six months?

Is this woman a ready-made media sensation, or what? Watch for her on
news magazines, then talk shows, followed by reality shows, music videos,
and commercials (for Weight Watchers?) You can tell she’s ready for prime-time
by her reaction
to her firing – she’s suing, of course!

"I only wanted a contract on equal conditions with others. The contract
they offered me amounted to a gradual dismissal," she said.

She also claims a plot involving a former boyfriend.  And her name
is Anastasia. I bet she needs an English teacher…

from the BBC

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