Spring Mid-Semester Review

On Thursday, the six DPSI teams gathered to eat Indian food and talk  with mentors and members of the Berkman community about the progress they’ve made so far this semester and where they’re going next.


We heard from the Systemic Justice team, who showed us their draft mock-up of a site that would house law and policy papers on a variety of social justice issues, and we talked about goals for user interaction and how that will impact their design.

The 21st Century Girlhood team is looking forward to their first focus group with high school and college-aged women, which will be taking place this week. They told us about some of their plans for the group and how the outcome will be crucial in determining what they want their product to be.


The Big Data team’s Olivia is a seasoned presenter after last semester with DPSI and the recent Berkman Center lunch talk! She reminded us how k-anonymization works in record time, and answered questions about potential future privacy measures.

The Food for Free team outlined the questions they’re asking about efficiency and problem spots in the food redistribution non-profit they’re working with. The team is looking forward to ride-alongs and interviews with the organization’s drivers coming up in the next week so they can get a first-hand look at the problems and inefficiencies.


The SafeCampus team continues to work on their BonoboApp, and is thinking through issues of privacy and incentivizing through their design.

DocShop is thinking about funding as they approach their end-of-semester show as well as how to collaborate with and assist artists while maintaining their own separate projects and identity. Together, we talked about what makes an interactive documentary and how DocShop’s analog focus is unique.

Thanks to all the teams for their hard work, and we’ll see you after spring break!

View the Spring 2015 Mid-Review Presentations