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October 25, 2004

ogs & gens, gods & friends

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 3:57 pm


one-breath pundit  

  • At Legal Underground, today, you can meet an extraplanetary observer from Og who’s trying to figure out

    what makes American lawyers tick


    • did Evan put his classics education to work, choosing the Planet Og? 

      OG is the Latin abbreviation for Omnes Gentes (“All the Peoples”); or

      is the allusion to the Biblical, long-necked giant, Og?  On the other hand,

      OG also stands for original gum and Original Gangsta. 

                                                                                                                                                                         fr ventalone

  • Speaking of bibles, Prof. Bainbridge clucks and wonders how John Kerry will explain his positions

    on various stem cell issues to St. Peter.   We’ll leave what makes a good Catholic to other commentators. 

    But, we think St. Peter might have questions for religous “fundamentalists”: 

    Why do you think that only the religion that you were born into or have chosen has all

    the answers?  Can’t we distinguish “faith” in a relationship with God from adherence to

    church-made dogma?


    Can a religion that excommunicated those who said the world was round and revolved

    around the sun be a good judge of the appropriateness of scientific research?


    Do you guys think you were given wonderous, curious, creative brains and a world

    filled with problems, so that you could find all the answers in one ancient book that’s

    filled with gossip, ambiguous metaphors, war crimes and ethnic hatred?

  • Ernie is seeking good taglines for Windows, in response to Apple’s “Think Different”. Mr. Svenson suggests:   “I’ll just do it the hard way.”  We offer: “Think Difficult” and “Don’t think, just update.”

  • Curious about any developments in Cat Stevens’ deportation case, I pulled up two articles that mention him: 

    – One from YellowTimes says “Yusuf’s Islam should be showcased, not shunned

    – The other by immigration lawyer Alan Lee gives the Bush Administration poor

    marks on immigration policy and execution, and notes that “As of September 30,

    2003, the number of pending cases at the U.S.C.I.S. stood at a record 6 million plus.”


    teaser  I’ve been thinking that the best part for me about Yusuf Islam landing in the news is

    my digging out old Cat Stevens’ albums.  However, the worse part is that some of his tunes

    are so darn catchy, I can’t keep them out of my head and I’m singing them everywhere (to

    the chagrin of many, who are surely taking their various lord’s names in vain.)

  • Today, the Tampa Tribune has an article that spotlights what lawyers in Florida think about lawyer ads.

    • The Florida Bar’s President says lawyer ads are a major cause of public dislike for lawyers.

    • John Pape of (800) PIT-BULL fame is quoted worrying about proposals that all lawyer ads be pre-approved

      by Bar censors.

    • John Bales, who sits on the Bar’s Advertising Task Force says he thinks lawyers’ TV advertising can be done tastefully and professionally.   He declined to say whether he thought some ads go over the edge. “It always concerns me when I become the fashion police,” he said. “


approx blue    Now it’s time for some quiet haiku from our Honored Guest/Friend paul m.:


migrating whales
all our footprints
wash away


spring rain

the measured step

of a sandhill crane


canyon echo

sky-colored asters

among the rocks



credits: “migrating whales” – The Heron’s Nest, Feb., 2003, Readers’ and Editors’ Choice — Poem of the Year  [2002]

        “spring rain” and “canyon echo” – The Heron’s Nest, Feb. 2002, Readers’ Choice Popular Poet Award, Runner-Up

Saratoga Springs springs for public toilets – raises potty parity stink

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 12:05 pm

For half a century, it wasn’t only the horses racing to the finish line in Saratoga Springs, NY,

the trendy “summer place to be.”  Tourists enjoying the city’s main park often discovered

too late that no public restrooms were available there. 


restrooms  The Albany Times Union reported yesterday, however, that “Public facilities are

due to open before the summer tourist season in a $180,000 project at Congress Park. ”  (Oct. 24,

2004, Restroom plan offers relief to Spa City visitors).   While cheered by many, the project has,

naturally, raised the “potty parity” issue, which ethicalEsq discussed last year.                                                                                               


University of Chicago law professor Mary Anne Case, creator of the Toilet Survey, has been

studying the issue for years, and explains that separate facilities are not always equal, as equal

square footage does not produce equality.  Thus, she says:  

“What are you equalizing: excreting opportunities, or are you equalizing waiting time?

I’m not being frivolous when I say these are important questions to debate.”

                                                                                                                                                                    womens rm womens rm mens rm


As the home of liberal Skidmore College, and proud of both its traditions and its progressiveness, I’m

counting on Saratoga Springs to help clarify, and maybe solve, many of these issues.

  • Finding a public toilet was apparently a frequent problem for travelling haiku poets in

    19th Centry Japan.  Master Issa addresses such issues frequently, see here and here,

    often bringing humor to the topic.  For example: 

mountain village–
a temporary toilet
in blossom shade


where piss dribbles,
dribbles down…


get ready to see
my piss waterfall!
croaking frog


Issa,translated by David G. Lanoue


pumpkin lift   Cute Caleb Lemley doesn’t seem bothered by the lack of restrooms in Congress Park.  

(original photo by Times Union photographer Cindy Schultz, Oct. 24, 2004, no longer available at the site)

      • You know, Caleb is almost as cute as Denise‘s Little Baggage Tyler:    “Tyler swinger”


toilet seat up –


suddenly chilly

                                       [Oct. 25, 2004]

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