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May 23, 2005

let the buyer trust – credat emptor

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 2:47 pm

Wish I Said That:


“[FDR’s secretary of war and NYC lawyer] Henry Stimson would have been shocked

and saddened by the state of the bar today, and especially by the common, public,

even proud utterance in and out of bar associations that ‘law is a business like other

businesses.’ . . .


“As recently as 1963, Everett Hughes wrote that the central feature of professionalism

was a doctrine of credat emptor—”let the buyer trust”—rather than the commercial

maxim of caveat emptor—”let the buyer beware.” Society counts on the law, and on

lawyers as its servants, to spread such feelings of trust through the community. Instead,

too often, we help weaken them.”

– from Living the Law, Chapt 1. of Sol Linowitz’s The Betrayed Profession (at pp. 2 & 5;

1994), reprinted here (DCBA Brief, June 1999)




first snow falling
I trust in his hand…
bridge by the gate




entrusting the thicket
to the field crow…
the lark sings

ISSA, translated by David G. Lanoue

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