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June 23, 2005

school’s out!!

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 4:37 pm

Summer vacation starts today for the public schools of Schenectady County, NY. 

The daily routines of many of our inhabitants will be changing — a great opportunity

for thinking about what we do, why, and how, in our everyday lives.


Before attempting such deep thoughts, though, I suggest experiencing a few

haiku from teacher-poet-publisher Randy Brooks’ volume School’s Out:




schoool’s out–

a boy follows his dog

into the woods






last day of school

     the crack of a baseball bat

          outside the open window








new grave . . .

      a graduation tassel

      hangs from the stone



 rollercoaster  here’s one I wish I had found for my Father’s Day post

a few days ago:



the pinwheel stops

     grandpa catches

     his breath


Randy Brooks, from School’s Out (Press Here, 1999) 



  • by dagosan                                               

stuck behind a school bus

two yellow jackets

hitch a ride


                               [June 23, 2005]  


potLadle  potluck

tiny check School may be out, but Ms. Elefant, the schoolmarm from MyShingle

has given me a bunch of homework – the @#&%!! Music Baton.   As

happened when I was struck with the Book Stick (by another so-called

friend), I must give some thought to this assignment, if it’s to be worthwhile

for myself or my readers.  Meanwhile, nobody better try smacking me with

a Food Wand, Sexual Fantasies Staff, or TV Antenna. 



tiny check  After all these years following Andrew Capoccia‘s Debt Reduction scam,

I had to click on the link that arrived today via email spam from No Debts.  These guys

actually tell you they’re located in Latvia (with a locator map).  They promise to

make you debt-free in 2 to 3 business days [more likely, liquid-asset free].  Their

math and their English are not great.  For example, they tout that you’ll only

“Pay only 85% – 90% of your total debt!”  Although “All costs are included in

the program,” you’re never told what the costs will be.  I sure hope this is a fun

hoax, as I would hate to think that there are consumers who would fall for it. 


waspG  The New York Times editors are right: “A Pentagon inquiry’s finding of no

overt religious discrimination at the Air Force Academy strains credibility.”   The

notion that there’s no problem, if the preachers and doomsayers are “well-intended”

is scary indeed.  (I sure hope those who are trying to save my heathen soul have good

intentions.) [“Obfuscating Intolerance,” and “Air Force Staff found promoting religion,”

June 23, 2005)





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