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f/k/a archives . . . real opinions & real haiku

August 11, 2005

distant traffic

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 5:17 pm


This morning, while trying to find Michael Dylan Welch’s little publishing

company, Press Here, on the web, I made a great discovery — Michael’s 1997

website, Captain Haiku’s Secret Hangout.  It’s a good place to learn about haiku,

but it’s main attraction for me is the compilation of over 40 haiku and senryu written

by Michael and entitled Thornewood Poems.  Here are just a few:



a red berry on the trail
I look up
to the chickadee’s song







a white swan shakes her tail
at last the ripples
reach her mate






afternoon shade—
moss rubbed off
where the branches touch








jays squawk
from redwood tops—
the hush of distant traffic



Michael Dylan Welch from Thornewood Poems,



from the shower,

a sad love song —

bathtub cricket



[Aug. 11, 2005]

fedupski potluck

tiny check David Brooks has an interesting new NYT column, All Cultures Are Not Equal,

in which he urges smart 18-year-olds to seek a career in “cultural geography,”

saying: Study why and how people cluster, why certain national traits endure

over centuries, why certain cultures embrace technology and economic growth

and others resist them.”  He also notes that people are using new technology

and freedoms to “create new groups and cultural zones.”   He correctly notes:

“People are moving into self-segregating communities with people

like themselves, and building invisible and sometimes visible barriers

to keep strangers out.  . . .


“The members of these and many other groups didn’t inherit their

identities. They took advantage of modernity, affluence and freedom

to become practitioners of a do-it-yourself tribalism. They are part of a

great reshuffling of identities, and the creation of new, often more rigid

groupings. They have the zeal of converts.” 

Brooks is right: we need to know much more about how and why people cluster and

what this segmentation means for our society and the world. 



graph up gray  The last additions to our Inadvertent Searchee page suggest that

we are just going to have to try harder.  Sure, we were the first result in a

Google search for armenian appreciation day> and even for “new jersey”

+soup slurping>, but our postings came in only #2 for take one-third>  

[out of 207 million Yahoo! results!] and for ipod caste>.  The former

result means we’ve been negligent in our fight against the standard

contingency fee; the later result reminds us all that, with the internet,

a bad pun is forever.   



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