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October 28, 2004

post eclipse: take-a-deep-breath punditry

Filed under: — David Giacalone @ 12:21 pm

one-breath pundit (Oct. 28, 2004)
Despite the wonder-full full eclipse last night, your Editor’s punditry circuits seem
filled with campaign agita this morning.  Rather than ruin the mood of our Eclipse
Recap, we/re moving today’s deep-breath punditry inside the weblog. It features
“Serious Catholic Voters,” Bainbridge’s Hobbits, Nate/Nada, Obama, and Hummers.
tiny check A beloved relative, who considers herself a “serious” Catholic (and has prayed for my
soul ever since I left that religion 35 years ago), forwarded the “The Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholicsto me last night.  This appears to a vigorous campaign to inform all Catholics about five current political issues that are “non-negotiable” because they involve “intrinsic evil “and the moral obligation to avoid voting for any candidate who supports the evil position on any of these issues.  The issues are abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and homosexual marriage.    Some points you may want to know:
    • “Catholics have a moral obligation to promote the common good through the exercise
      of their voting privileges” [emphasis added]

    • “A well-formed conscience never will contradict Catholic moral teaching. “

    • The FAQ says the Guide only addresses issues “having a major impact on society”
      now or in the future.

    • The death penalty is not included in the Guide because it is not intrinsically evil.

    • “Issues such as education, health care, the environment, jobs, trade, and taxes are very
      important — but on them Catholics are permitted a wide liberty.  On the five non-
      negotiables, there is only one possible position for a conscientious Catholic to take:
      complete opposition.”

    • War or notions of “unjust war” are never even mentioned in the Guide or FAQ.
(update: see “What if John Roberts is a ‘serious catholic’?” (Aug. 1, 2005)
We report, you decide.
tiny check Nate Knows Nada has consistently thoughtful posting on religion and politics, including one on
Religious Men,” and a recent pair on President Bush’s Christianity.
tiny check Prof. Steven Bainbridge is pretty excited that “Scientists have discovered a new and tiny species of human
that lived in Indonesia at the same time our own ancestors were colonising the world.”  He suggests we may
have to take tales of Hobbits and leprechans seriously.  He better not get too excited , however:  if homo sapiens
cannot reproduce with such “humans” they can’t marry them under the teachings of Steve’s Church.
donkey Ruy Teixeira at Donkey Rising has good news about polls over-estimating Bush’s support.
tiny check Yesterday afternoon (Oct. 27), your editor voiced his disappointment in Barack Obama’s failure to address the issue of Tort Reform, although his opponent supports med-mal caps and says Obama is against them., at the Obama Campaign Weblog.
(so far, it is still there)
tiny check Thank your preferred divinity of choice:  Hummer sales have slumped, now that the novelty has worn off;
GM will produce a new smaller, more-efficient Hummer; but “We’re never going to have a minivan or a small car.”
(NYT, Oct. 26, 2004) (Possible editor bias:  a 9-seat, stretch Hummer [NY license “XTRMLIMO”] is parked daily and
almost constantly at the curb here in my otherwise lovely historic neighborhood.]

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