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Chuck Turner: U.S. Attorney Closes the Barn Door.


Attorney Barry Wilson and Boston City COuncilor Chuck Turner

Attorney Barry Wilson and Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner at Moakley Court House.

Attorney John McNeil, Assistant to U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Michael Sullivan, argued for a ‘protective order’ against Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner. If granted, the order will forbid Turner to publically rebut evidence and insinuations of evidence previously released to the press by the FBI. Attorney Barry Wilson characterized this as “closing the barn door after the horse is gone.”

U.S. Attorney Sullivan’s Record: A history of prosecutorial misconduct?

“The egregious failure of the government to disclose plainly material exculpatory evidence in this case extends a dismal history of intentional and inadvertent violations of the government’s duties to disclose in cases assigned to this court,” Chief Judge for Massachusetts Max Wolf Jan. 21, 2009.

Turner pointed to the recent rebuke of U.S. Attorney Micheal Sullivan by Chief Judge for Massachusetts Max Wolf.  While focussed on a single case, the judge mentioned nine other cases. Turner asked the press, “Where were you?”

[Previously on ‘the guy by the door’ Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark Joins Chuck Turner Denounces Political Targeting by Federal Attorney Sullivan.]

Turner had more. I’ll give links when I find them. They are not easy to find.

“You are as responsible for the corruption of the justice system as the U.S. attorney is,” Turner told reporters before leaving to chants of “Chuck! Chuck!”

Chuck Stood for Harvard Labor
Not a flash back! Harvard Labor on the March

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