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The role of loghost entry in /etc/inet/hosts for OpenSolaris

After looking at /etc/inet/hosts I noticed a loghost entry. Being a Solaris newbie I was curious to see why this entry was there. A quick Google brought up this nice discussion: Summary, don’t delete it.

Linux is a woman

I love this quote It’s obvious that GNU/Linux is a woman. She’s high maintenance, expects everything to be given to her for free, and no matter what goes wrong… it’s your fault.

svnbackup-restore.rb, svnbackup’s handy companion tool

Doug Hellman’s svnbackup script tool is a really handy tool for setting up automated backups for a subversion repository. However, the non-fun time comes when one wants to restore a subversion repository that has way too many dumpfiles parts. The instructions for restoration are basically ‘roll your own’ if you want to try to automate […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 The Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are one of the more interesting parts of a conference in my opinion since 5 minutes really forces the speaker to get to the point and it becomes painfully obvious if the presentation has no focus or if there has been real work to get across the main message in the shortest amount […]

RubyKaigi Day 1 The Matz Keynote

Okay this is my notes from Matz’s Keynote. I was 5 minutes late since finding lunch took a really long time to find anything around the area unfortunately. Unfortunately, most of the visiting Rubyists decided to do KFC however Charles Nutter decided to stick it through and we finally found a nice Yakiniku restaurant to […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 3 Notes

Evan Phoenix on Rubinius Evan started off with a quick intro on Rubinius and proceeded to talk about some of the big pieces of Rubinius from a 10,000 feet high view. The kernel of the system The C Compatibility Layer It’s a big project and Evan wants to have a conversation with anyone who wants […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 2 Notes

Here’s a continuation of my scribbled notes from the RubyKaigi. This one from the JRuby implementors. Some of my own thoughts and comments are inserted in parentheses. Charles Nutter on JRuby Quick intro and the impressive live demos of JRuby in action (or as the IRC channel said Nice Live Coding (NLC)) This summer, work […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 1 Notes

Ruby Kaigi 2008 is happening. I’m sure there other posts on the Ruby Kaigi happening however here are some of my own hasty scribbles for anyone that cares… Introduction Speech This is the 3rd year of the conference One theme of this year is multiple implementatios More people coming into the Ruby community and we […]

On the future (or lack) of Nitro Web framework

Before there was Rails, there existed other Web Frameworks for Ruby. One of the promising ones is Nitro however it fell into realm of ignorance. On some random surfing I ran across this blog post from one of the main authors of the Nitro Web Framework. It’s an interesting read since the author laments how […]

Can’t install anymore extensions in Firefox 3? Kill extensions.rdf

I’ve been trying out Firefox 3 and one strategy I do is to copy my Mozilla Firefox folder with me to whatever machine I go to so I don’t have to reinstall plugins, re-enter all my passwords, and configure everything about Firefox until I’m happy. However, it seems due to some reason or another I […]

Unbound, a possible OSS competitor to BIND?

A quite from this article I pulled up from Planet Sysadmin Unbound was written by NLnet Labs, VeriSign, Nominet and Kirei. Unbound will support DNSSEC, a version of DNS that uses public-key cryptography to protect DNS results, from begriming. Unbound and BIND are the only open-source recursive DNS servers that support DNSSEC. Seems interesting. If […]

Yapc Asia 2008 Day 1 Notes

Okay first day at YAPC… Missed most of the opening speeches and Larry Wall’s Keynote.. d’oh. Then again trying to handle the incoming rush of attendees was quite the experience. I’d say jumbled is a good word for how we handled it but at least it got handled. It’s pretty hard handling the Japanese Incoming […]

YAPC Asia 2008 RejectConf Notes

I’m at YAPC Asia this year working as a volunteer. It’s interesting mingling with the Perl folk especially since I’m not a Perl person but am curious to know more about the Perl community. Anyways here are my scribbling notes that I’ve taken SoozyConf This is the nickname for Perl’s RejectConf Should bother to look […]

What the fork are you doing Pidgin devs?

After glancing at the Slashdot post on the forking of pidgin and wasting far too much time slogging through the ticket that caused a bit of strife, I’m pretty sure I will move away from Pidgin until the developers stop being dorks (highly unlikely since they seem to develop only for themselves). Quick quick summary […]

Graphing mysql slave delay for munin

I’ve been wanting something to visualize mysql slave delay. Looks like LordElph has gone ahead and wrote something already to do it. Cool beans.