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{ Category Archives } solaris

Automating Zone creation in OpenSolaris 2009.06

With the announcement of OpenSolaris 2009.06 I thought it would be appropriate to blog a little about a tool I had been writing to help myself play with Zones a bit easier. My overall goals were the following: Have each zone configured with its own virtual NIC (Crossbow) Allow easy creation of zones without having […]

The role of loghost entry in /etc/inet/hosts for OpenSolaris

After looking at /etc/inet/hosts I noticed a loghost entry. Being a Solaris newbie I was curious to see why this entry was there. A quick Google brought up this nice discussion: Summary, don’t delete it.

Enabling ZeroConf / Bonjour DNS resolution in OpenSolaris

On small LAN networks that do not have an internal DNS server. There is a nice technology called ZeroConf that uses multicast to enable name lookup resolution. It has been baked into OS X for quite some time now. Linux and other UNIX flavors have been picking this up as well. OpenSolaris also includes this […]


Getting X working again after swapping hardware on Open Solaris nv100

After having dain bramaged myself for years with Linux usage. I had gotten spoiled into believing an OS should make it simple to do the following: 1. Shutdown computer 2. Swap around hardware components 3. Restart 4. Life is good However any techie should tell you this is a pipe dream on Windows. Mac users […]

Understanding what an L2ARC is

I’ve been silently scanning some Solaris blogs and skimming some of the appropriate websites for documentation on some of the more interesting features of Solaris for awhile now. One thing that requires time to adjust to is the number of acronyms that the Solaris community has to describe their technologies. One of these is called […]

I can’t get no satisfying manpages

It seems that with most default UNIX-like installations outside of FreeBSD just include craptastic manpages. This really puts a dent in RTFM. In Linux-land this has been a serious PITA for years (Yes, I know how to hunt around for the packages to install the manpages in Redhat-ish and Debian lang but it is still […]