Travel Logistics

Traveling from Logan Airport to Harvard Square

Venue Locations


Please make your individual reservations at one of these locations as soon as possible.  Please reference “Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center” when making your reservation. We encourage you to request an early check in if you would like to try to get into your room before 4:00 pm.

Sheraton Commander Hotel

16 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA  02138
Room Block Name:  Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center
Room Rate:  $219/night
Reservation Instructions:  Follow this link to book reservations online  Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center (OR copy and paste the following link into a web browser)  Call the Sheraton Commander directly at 617-547-4800 and refer to the group name Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center.  Reservations must be made by Friday, March 2, 2012.

The Inn at Harvard
1201 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02138
Room Block Name:  Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center
Room Rate:  $245/night
Reservation Instructions:  Call the Inn at Harvard directly at 617-491-2222 (Monday – Friday between 8am-6pm) or email at and refer to group name Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center or group code 372706.  Reservations must be made by Friday, March 2, 2012.

The Hotel Veritas
One Remington Street
Cambridge, MA  02138
Room Block Name:  Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center
Room Rate:  $219/night
Reservation Instructions:  Follow this link to book reservations online  Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center rates at Hotel Veritas (OR copy and paste the following link into a web browser)  Call The Hotel Veritas directly at 617-520-5000 and refer to the group name Hewlett Grantees Meeting/Berkman Center.  Reservations must be made by Friday, March 2, 2012.

AIRPORT & TRANSPORTATION: Please fly into Logan International Airport.  Further details about transport to/from the airport will be forthcoming.