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Flickr / YouTube Accounts

How to create Flickr Account

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Your Account on the right-side of the screen.
  3. Sign-in with a Yahoo! ID.
    1. Don’t have a Yahoo! Email? Sign Up for one at the bottom right of the screen.
  4. Create a Flickr username.
  5. You now have a brand new Flickr account!

Please make sure to remember your account information!

How to create a YouTube Account

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Account on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Follow instructions on the page: create a username, enter your birth date, and zip code.
  4. You can either sign-in with an existing Gmail account or with another email address.
    1. If you sign-in with Gmail, your new YouTube account will be linked with your Gmail/Google Account
    2. If you sign-in with another email, it automatically creates a Google Account for you.
  5. Check your email for a confirmation message from Google/YouTube. Follow those instructions.
  6. You now have a brand new YouTube account!

Please make sure to remember your account information!

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