Top 20 Nations Listed by Stock Market Cap (In Billions)

Highlighted below are the percentages of the world’s largest market cap from countries around the globe. Additionally highlighted is how much each country’s percentage of the world market cap changed from 2011 to 2012. Although the US’ market cap is 5x’s that of China and represented 40% of all of the world’s total market cap, the nations with the biggest increases in market cap were Venezuela, El Salvador, Vietnam, Philippines, Turkey, Kenya, Estonia, Nigeria, and Thailand with 392%, 96%, 80%, 60%, 53%, 45%, 45%, 44%, 43% annual market cap growth, respectively.

2012 Rank Country 2011 2012 % Change % of World Market Cap
1 United States $15640.71 $18668.33 19% 40%
2 China $3389.1 $3697.38 9% 8%
3 Japan $3540.68 $3680.98 4% 8%
4 United Kingdom $2903.18 $3019.47 4% 6%
5 Canada $1906.59 $2016.12 6% 4%
6 France $1568.73 $1823.34 16% 4%
7 Germany $1184.46 $1486.31 25% 3%
8 Australia $1198.16 $1286.44 7% 3%
9 India $1015.37 $1263.34 24% 3%
10 Brazil $1228.97 $1229.85 0% 3%
11 South Korea $994.3 $1180.47 19% 3%
12 Hong Kong, China $889.6 $1108.13 25% 2%
13 Switzerland $932.21 $1079.02 16% 2%
14 Spain $1030.95 $995.09 -3% 2%
15 Russia $796.38 $874.66 10% 2%
16 Netherlands $594.73 $651 9% 1%
17 South Africa $522.97 $612.31 17% 1%
18 Sweden $470.12 $560.53 19% 1%
19 Mexico $408.69 $525.06 28% 1%
20 Italy $431.47 $480.45 11% 1%

Data Source: World Bank: Market capitalization of listed companies