
The hardest I ever laughed in my life was right after Paul Marshall, Ken Raabe and I were already laughing our asses off at something in Mad Magazine about a gun called “Death 26”. Just when we caught our breaths enough to talk, Ken said “I haven’t laughed so hard since the pigs ate my sister”. The timing was so perfect that the line nearly killed me.

Paul, my roommate for two years (named “Class Wit” in the yearbook), has gone on through careers in parish ministry and academics (he was a professor of homiletics at the Yale Divinity School) to become the Bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, and the author of many books. (Here’s a diocesan blog post on his latest.) We used to correspond often, but when he got elevated to high ecclesiastical office (he is now The Right Reverend Paul V. Marshall, Th.D., D.D., D.C.L.), his old email no longer worked, and we’ve both been too busy to keep up, I guess.

Ken I never saw again. So I just looked him up, and found this. Mouse over the mask and … well, it sure looks a lot more like he did at 17 than I resemble the kid I was at the same age. I think I’ve been much better at aging.

Anyway, Ken, if you ever look yourself up, howdy.

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