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November 12, 2004

jobs & weblogs

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 11:00 am

one-breath punditry:  Here are some ends and odds that touch on weblogs and jobs, employers,

employees and work.

tiny check  News Librarian Jessica Baumgart of j’s scratchpad points to two stories of interest to webloggers

who worry that their enterprise might lose them their current job or prevent being hired in the future:

Getting a Job Because of a Blog.  Jessica cites a Globe and Mail article about employers who

view an applicant’s well-done weblog as a positive factor in the hiring decision.  Joey deVilla

the accordionguy — is given as one example.  The G&B article offers suggestions on ways a

blogger can use the medium to make her-/himself a better candidate.  (e.g., webloggers should

come out from behind the veil of anonymity)


Corporate Blogging Policies This post links to material from Charlene Li of Forrester, who writes

about corporate weblogging policies, shares an example, and posts a code of ethics for company

and employee.

the woodpecker works
one spot…
all through sunset


arrow circle  A job for webloggers:  Let’s join Prof. Bainbridge in urging the President and serious politicians to remove the scourge of gerrymandering — and then following up and staying on the case to get the job done.  (See Redistricting is creating a US House of Lords. David Broder) Let’s use our gadfly talents in a cause that will greatly improve our system of politics and government.


boom! boom! ka-boom!
so many duds…



The Law Professor’s JobProf B. also has a tribute to his professor Stan Henderson and quotes from

Henderson on the job of a law professor (and that of a lawyer, too):

The point to be underscored is that, whatever the time period, it is passion and commitment that

bring one to law study in the first place. And that is what carries one through law school and beyond,

whatever the career path. 


You now know that we teachers spoke the truth when we told you that we could do no more than prepare

you for a lifetime of self education.


We passed on the culture mainly by sowing seeds. But the real game the discovery of self and a sense of purpose, of proportion was always yours, when you sat here in rows, and when, in the years since, you have faced into the headwinds, at times fierce.

The Attorney General’s Job:  The New York Times, and many webloggers (e.g.), are talking about whether appointment of Alberto Gonzales to be AG is more or less likely to position him for a Supreme Court nomination.  Despite Steve Bainbridge’s points, it seems to me that being recently vetted for Attorney General does not and should not give a nominee a get-into-court free card — not only are they very different positions, but service as AG may provide much insight about the candidate.  [Prof. B certainly cannot be gainsaid, however, that “Blogospheric prognostication has proved fallible.”  Is he similarly insightful in class?]


snow pile flip  Snow Job?  Bill O’Reilly was on the Charlie Rose Show last night (11/11/04) — see the

forum discussion.  O’Reilly says he now has people with him 24 hours a day to assure he never again

gets attacked with false charges like the recent sexual harassment allegations.  Bill blames the

internet and weblogs for creating an atmosphere where every rich or famous person now has no

ability to defend themselves from false charges.  O’Reilly constantly stated that the settlement

agreement kept him from discussing the case (and that he had insisted on the clause) and that

the settlement “said I did nothing wrong.”  Charlie never noted that virtually all settlements use

that boilerplate. 

the market workers
spring snow falling


tiny check  Did we mention assigned work? click for a smile-groan.  laughing man small


Back to work: Stuart Levine says he’s finally going to get back to work on his TaxBiz weblog.  We are

pleased (while remembering he seems to have said this before).


the dragonfly, too
works late…
night fishing


all above haiku by Issa, translated by D.G.Lanoue


tiny check tiny check  Not working: Despite our early enthusiasm for Blawg Republic, it seems clear 

that its revamped format is not working.  I can get virtually any post (from my or another weblog

in its Directory) into the list of twenty “Top Blawg Posts” by just mentioning it on this humble

homepage.   From the many repeat weblogs on the list, others have learned this trick, too.  BR is no

longer a place to go to see what is new in the weblawgiverse.



the anger from work

in my son’s birthday balloons

George Swede from 



long deposition–
the lawyer’s
“at the risk of repeating myself”


first snowfall

no one knows how to drive

‘cept I

                              [Nov.12, 2004]                                                                                                                               snow pile


  1. The Internet? Weblogs? O’Reilly’s not that technologically advanced. My guess is that those people with him “24 hours a day” have been instructed never to let him pick up a telephone.

    But that’s only my guess. Only O’Reilly knows the truth, and he’s not sharing it. Too bad, since if he could share the truth, I’m sure it would make him look really good. Damn that settlement agreement with all its complicated clauses!

    Comment by Evan — November 12, 2004 @ 1:41 pm

  2. The Internet? Weblogs? O’Reilly’s not that technologically advanced. My guess is that those people with him “24 hours a day” have been instructed never to let him pick up a telephone.

    But that’s only my guess. Only O’Reilly knows the truth, and he’s not sharing it. Too bad, since if he could share the truth, I’m sure it would make him look really good. Damn that settlement agreement with all its complicated clauses!

    Comment by Evan — November 12, 2004 @ 1:41 pm

  3. Yep, reeeeeeeal good. As for the phone, O’Reilly did say that every single phone call to him is now logged [euphemism for recorded?] and that he never personally takes a call unless it is a business call.

    Comment by David Giacalone — November 12, 2004 @ 2:06 pm

  4. Yep, reeeeeeeal good. As for the phone, O’Reilly did say that every single phone call to him is now logged [euphemism for recorded?] and that he never personally takes a call unless it is a business call.

    Comment by David Giacalone — November 12, 2004 @ 2:06 pm

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